About LinhofStudio



The LinhofStudio are the UK importer and specialist retailer of Large Format Digital and Analogue solutions and the UK’s Number 1 LEE Filters specialist.

We import Hensel Flash & LED Lighting for studio and location.

High Resolution Optics from Rodenstock and Schneider are imported to complement our camera platforms from Linhof, Alpa, Silvestri and Lotus View.

For the Fine Art Photographer we import Bergger Fibre Based Papers, Film , Archival Ink Jet papers. We stock Contact Printing Frames & Pinhole solutions.

And to keep it all safe we are the UK importer of BW outdoor cases – watertight, dustproof, airtight, shock resistant, virtually indestructible, chemical resistant and corrosion proof cases from Germany.

We are now a supplier of the Hasselblad X1D

Most expensive girlfriends





3 languages

lenses testinonial





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