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Linhof 6x17 Adapter for Technika series and 5x4 Camera
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The Linhof 617 adapter allows a Technorama 617 body to be attached to a Master Technika or to another 4×5 view camera with an International Back / Graflok fitting .
This allows panorama shots to be made on roll film in 6×17 format. Shifting – vertical or horizontal and Scheimpflug expand the creative possibilities also. The T617 groundglass back is used for image focus and composition.
There are some limitations depending on the camera design and the lens used.
Product Code:
Linhof 6x17 Adapter for Technika series and 5x4 Camera

More Information:

Master Technika 2000/3000 and classic
-The use of the adapter with the T617 body attached to the Master Technika 2000/3000 and classic is possible from 80 mm to 180 mm lenses. Up to 180 mm, the 6×17 format is displayed completely, after which vignetting occurs. This means that from this focal length on, the entire 6×17 format will not displayed.
-On the Master Technika 2000/3000, 80 and 90 mm lenses can be used without a separate focusing option, since these focal lengths are focused in the housing.
-On the Master Technika classic, 80 to 90 mm lenses require a focusing facility inside the housing, e.g. wide-angle focusing device or lenses in helical mounts.
-When used vertically, the baseboard may cause vignetting depending on the focal length used. High shift is possible in horizontal orientation without restrictions at any focal length. Side shift, however, may be restricted depending on the lens used (e.g. lens too close to or also in the housing).

Tip: When using the camera and T617 groundglass back, it makes sense to purchase two adapters, for ease of use.

Linhof Kardan cameras
Only suitable for the Linhof Kardan 4×5. At 90 mm, recessed lens boards are required. Shorter focal lengths are not suitable.

The use with the Technikardan is not recommended.

Other cameras with International Back / Graflok.
Also suitable for other cameras with International back / Graflok. But due to individual designs of the cameras, there may be restrictions or conflicts. At 90 mm, recessed lensboards may be required. Shorter focal lengths are not suitable.