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Camera Systems > Cambo > Cambo / Phase One X Shutter WRS Lenses > WRS Lenses in Phase One X Shutter >
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WRS 138mm HR Digaron-Float Phase One X Shutter Lens | Cambo
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The WRS Rodenstock HR Digaron-SW float 138 mm f/6.5 in the X Shutter is an exceptional sharp long focal length lens for adjustable technical cameras intended for a wide distance range from infinity up to an image scale 1:5.
Available in Short barrel with 48mm spacer or long barrel version.
Product Code:
WRS 138mm HR Digaron-Float Phase One X Shutter Lens | Cambo

More Information:

Even with extreme camera movements (shift and tilt) this lens provides an unprecedented sharpness to the corners as proven by the MTF curves given up to 80 lp/mm on the following pages 4 to 6. It provides negligible distortion (almost always below 1‰) and a total suppression of the chromatic aberration for perfect freedom from color fringing.


The image circle of the HR Digaron-SW float 138 mm f/6.5 has a constant diameter of 110 mm throughout its entire image scale range. For professional technical cameras, even with the largest sensor formats, this gives ample clearance for parallel shifts for perspective corrections (avoiding or reducing converging vertical lines). This also allows swing and tilt for extended depth of field without excessive stopping down of the aperture according to the Scheimpflug rule.


The broad focusing ring of the helical mount allows sensitive and precise focusing and automatically controls the adjustment of the floating elements group mentioned above.

Image circle of lens at any f/stop: 110 mm


Optical Movements:

CCD size 37x37mm: 33/33 mm

CCD size 33x44mm: 34/30 mm

CCD size 36x48mm: 30/26 mm

CCD size 37x49mm: 31/27 mm

CCD size 40x54mm:  28/24 mm

CCD size 36x56mm:  29/24 mm


Please note that some optical movements may be larger than achievable due to mechanical limitation.